Community Groups

Bedfordshire African Community Centre (BACC)

Bedfordshire African Community Centre (BACC) at Alydwyck House was founded after a survey of Africans living in Luton revealed they would welcome a centre where they would be able to meet socially and participate in promoting African culture. There is a weekly lunch club on Wednesdays.

Telephone: 01582 484807



Centre for Youth and Community Development

The centre is a community facility aiming to ensure Luton residents, particularly those from the Biscot Ward, have access to th14e services and support they need.

Telephone: 01582 519500


Luton & Dunstable Photographic Club

Members have a wide range of interests and are willing to share their knowledge. The club meets twice a week, including evenings at local sites of interest in the summer.

Telephone: 0787 659 8241


Luton Scouts

The town has 19 Scout Groups aiming to provide fun, adventure and challenge. Scouting is open to new members from the age of six, with no upper age limit for our adult volunteers.

Scouting is open to boys and girls and it makes no difference what background you come from, what language you speak, or your religion.

Telephone: 0844 414 5687



BIG Hat Factory Community Choir – Luton

Singing in a community choir is a great way to make friends, build your confidence, improve your voice and reduce stress. There are no auditions and everyone regardless of singing ability or prior singing experiences is welcome.

Under 16s are welcome to join but must be accompanied by an adult.

Telephone: 07960 255711



Girl Guiding Luton (North and South Divisions)

Girlguiding offers a safe environment for girls and women to take part in fun activities, camps and holidays following a balanced programme and to make new friends.

Register to join:



Luton Irish Forum

Luton Irish Forum (LIF) is a charity with over 500 members and a centre close to the town centre. LIF provides welfare support through drop-ins, appointments and home visits relating to welfare benefits, housing, community care and debt, applications for an Irish passports and provides representation at tribunals and medicals.

Telephone: 01582 720 447

Facebook: @LutonIrish

Twitter: @IrishinLuton



Luton U3A

Luton University of the Third Age is about self-help learning through study groups, in which members share their knowledge and interest in the subject, keeping mind and body active. Groups meet either weekly, fortnightly or monthly, often in members’ homes but also in venues such as local community centres.
